
Standing up for the MDG’s with a sweet Georgetown cupcake

Food for a good cause, one of my favorite things. Especially when the food is a scrumptious United Nations (UN) week cupcake made specially by Georgetown cupcake, voted by many (myself included) as the best cupcake joint in DC.

The cause: today thousands of people stood up for action to urge leaders worldwide to work harder to end poverty to attain the UN Millenium Development Goals (MDGs). My organization hosted our own stand up.
The 8 goals below were chosen in 2000 by 189 world leaders to address extreme poverty through tackling its root causes:

The eight MDG goals include:

  1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
  2. Achieve universal primary education
  3. Promote gender equality and empower women
  4. Reduce child mortality
  5. Improve maternal health
  6. Combat HIV/AIDs, malaria, and other diseases
  7. Ensure environmental sustainability
  8. Develop a global partnership for development

With just 6 years left, no region is on track to meet their goals. Hence the call to STAND UP AND DEMAND ACTION today, and send a not so subtle reminder to our world leaders that we do expect them to deliver.

In the meantime, should you feel compelled to participate in UN Week activities in Washington DC – here’s a full line up provided by the United Nations Association. Only today, all proceeds from sales of Georgetown Cupcake’s UN cupcakes will go towards supporting the UN’s work. Go get your cupcake now!

1 comment:

  1. I stood up! And I think it's incredible that individuals, NGOs, companies, governments and the UN are all standing up to make our world a better place to grow. Plus I'll always stand up for Georgetown Cupcakes!
